Halo Music - Halo: Reach


Startup music


alpha_main_menu - reach_menu [gain -6 dB]

Plays in main menu
Start (02_menu_in) - From the Beginning
hymn_brass_01 / hymn_brass - Remember Reach
sad_strings_01 / sad_strings - The Fall
spacey7_02 / spacey7_01 - TBD
tlr_rhythm_01 / tlr_rhythm - Lone Wolf [second half - guitar and percussion only]
08_tplse / 08_tplse_01 - Swift, Strong, Brave
14_strings / 14_strings_01 - Immemorial
Stops (fade out 6 s-curve)

main_menu/exit_experience - exit [gain -3 dB] - TBD

Start -
Stops (fade out 4 s-curve) -

m05 - Noble Actual

cinematics/m05/prologue/m05_prologue_music [gain -3 dB] - The Battle Begins [first half / second half stripped edit]

Cutscene: start

m10 - Winter Contingency

cinematics/m10/outpost/010la_music [gain -3 dB] - Lone Wolf [first half]

Outpost cutscene: start

Loop 1 - sustain/glue/g_lochoir [gain -3 dB] - Distress [first half - strings and vocals]

Start - start of the mission, just as carter starts to say "Let's stay focused. Watch your sectors..."
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - same as loop 2 start / 6 min timeout

Loop 2 - sustain/spooky/amb1 [gain -5 dB] - Distress [FX]

Start - at the structure where the beacon is (after emile says "Found the beacon.") or the player is rushing past the structure towards the ledge path
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - past the barn's courtyard, after jun says the thermal's clean or player has continued through the barn's building (trigger is as you're going round the chain fence-wall with the barrels stacked in front of it) / 6 min timeout
[not implemented] - either all the barn covy are dead or player has left the barn

Loop 3 - perc/03_perc [gain -3 dB] - Distress [second half - percussion]

Start - after the encounter with the farmers, as carter finishes saying "Noble Team, double-time it!" (just before the sprinting tutorial on easy to heroic)
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - upon encountering the bodies at the barn, after carter says "Damn." or the player has rushed into the next room (trigger for that starts where the ramp begins) / 4 min timeout

Loop 4 - sustain/pad/g_low [gain -3 dB] - Distress [outro]

Start - upon encountering the bodies at the barn, after carter says "Looks like they were interrogated.. it's messy" or the player has rushed into the next room (trigger for that starts where the ramp begins)
[backup] - after going through the barn's courtyard, just as carter about to say to watch your motion tracker
[not implemented] - after carter says "They're headed into the basement! Let's move down to the lower level!"
Stops - on contact with covy, after jorge says "Here we go" / 45 sec timeout

Loop 5 - action/actorch2_plse [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Noble Mission [no lead strings]

Start - after jun notifies about an enemy dropship
Stops - after either all the covy in the meadow past the barn are dead or player has left the meadow (trigger is at the small drop), as kat requests an airlift / 6 min timeout

Loop 11 - action/actorch2_plse_short [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Noble Mission [no lead strings, brass only on outro]

Start - rally point alpha: start
Stops - rally point alpha: after carter says "Get to work Noble. The war just came to Reach." / 5 min timeout

Loop 6 - tension/ambplse1_plse [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Blood on the Ground [percussion and bass pulse only]

Start - in the vehicle section where the player has to go to 3 locations, after approaching the location in the center of the area and jun says he detects heat sigs (doesn't play if if loop 7 plays first or it detects this part of the level is done)
Stops (fade out 20 s-curve) - player has gone far enough away from the center location (wider trigger than the start) / 5 min timeout
[backup] - after clearing and defending the final location

Loop 7 - tension/ambplse1 [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Blood on the Ground

Start - player is approaching either the left location (at the river) or the right location (near the broken bridge), whichever they do first (doesn't play if stop trigger has happened)
Stops - after arriving at the final location and carter says to hold position and clean an lz / 6 min timeout

Loop 8 - action/actorch2_short [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Noble Mission

Start - once the final location has been clears and defended, after jun says "Affirmative! Transport inbound!" / rally point bravo: start
Alt Start - approaching the outpost in the falcon, after carter tells the pilot to drop them in the courtyard / rally point bravo: after carter says "How we doing', Kat?"
Stops - at the outpost, after kat says she's finished cutting into the door (same for rally point bravo) / 7 min timeout

Loop 9 - sustain/spooky/amb3 [gain -3 dB] - Bait and Switch [first half - ambient]

Start - just after loop 8 stop and call to get inside
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - bodysearch cutscene: at sarah's last line before the elite's attack / 6 min timeout
[not implemented] - after fade out to the bodysearch cutscene

cinematics/m10/bodysearch/010lc_bodysearch_music_sh1_fr265 [gain -3 dB] - Bait and Switch [tension strings]

Bodysearch cutscene: after marine finishes line

Loop 9.5 - action/crunch_only [gain -5 dB] - Bait and Switch [guitar riff]

Start - bodysearch cutscene: the elite's attack
Stops (fade out 15 s-curve) - player has moved halfway down the first hallway after the cutscene / 4 min timeout

Loop 10 - tension/tplse2_plse [gain -6 dB] [stops previous music] - Free Fire Zone

Start - going down the stairs to the final room, just before jorges says to flush the covy out
Stops (fade out 20 s-curve) - all covy in the final room are dead / 6 min timeout

cinematics/m10/winter_contingency/010ld_winter_music_fr3 [gain -3 dB] - Discontent [extended]

Outro cutscene: start

m20 - ONI: Sword Base

Loop 1 - action/01_m_bb_mart_mt [2 synced tracks] - Sword Control

Layer 0: trk1_perc [master track] [gain -2 dB]
Layer 1: trk2_orch_guit [gain -3 dB]

Start - start of sword base cutscene
Layer 1 Start (wait for marker) - sword base cutscene: cut away from overhead map, back to falcon
Alt Start (transition) - after the phantom drops off more covy in the courtyard and control says "You've got enemy contacts, Spartans!"
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - once the elite ultra (elite officer on easy) dropped off by the phantom is dead / 7 min timeout

cinematics/m20/m20_sword_base/music/m20_sword_music_sc11_sh1_fr1 [gain -3 dB] - Sword Control [string synth at beginning]

Sword base cutscene: cut away from wide shot to first-person shot of jorge looking down

Loop 2 - sustain/glue/bb_nochoir [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - TBD

Start - just after kat says to control that the courtyard is clear (once all the covy there are dead) / rally point alpha
Stops - in the valley, as the pelican with the warthog arrives as kat says "Pelican inbound with transport, Six." (or if the player has rushed to either pathway out, just before kat agrees with their decision) / 6 min timeout
[backup] - player activates the reach racer easter egg

Loop 3 - tension/bed1 [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Incommunicado

Start - player is approaching comm station, if they chose that first (trigger is just past where the path ramps up away from the water)
Stops - player has activated the comm's switch, or left the greater area around the comm station (either re-entering the valley or into the passway after the small open area past the station) / 6 min timeout
[backup] - player activates the reach racer easter egg

Loop 4 - tension/bed2 [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Inbound Imminent

Start - player is approaching aa guns, if they chose that first (trigger is just before the cliff edge and the wall to sword base ends)
Stops - player has left the greater area around the aa guns (either re-entering the valley or out of the passway before the small open area just before the station) or player is going on the path back to the valley after activating comms and aa gun / 6 min timeout
[backup] - player activates the reach racer easter egg

Loop 10 - tension/bed2_plse [gain -3 dB] - Inbound Imminent [guitar and drums only]

Start - rally point bravo: after carter says "Six, Kat. Get here quick. We'll meet you inside."
Stops - revenant guarding the gate to the base as been incapacitated or the door leading into sword base is opening / 5 min timeout
[backup] - player activates the reach racer easter egg

Loop 5 - sustain/glue/bb_full [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Sword Control [string synth at beginning]

Start - the door leading into sword base is opening
Stops - player has hit the elevator button / 6 min timeout

Loop 6 - perc/01perc [gain -3 dB] - Sword Control [percussion]

Start - player is in front of the garage when returning to the courtyard (overlaps loop 6)
Alt Start (transition) - 1 of the 2 hunters in the garage is dead
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve if not alt) - both hunters in the garage are dead / 5 min timeout

Loop 7 - tension/03_mystery_mt [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] [2 synced tracks] - Aim to Please [first half]

Layer 0: track1
Layer 1: track2 [master track]

Start - once in the atrium, after jorge says "Depend on it."
Layer 1 Start (wait for marker) - on the first level up (trigger in the middle third of the middle room) after carter tells player to get to the top floor
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - at the top level of the atrium, entering the hallway after the walkway / 6 min timeout

Loop 8 - sustain/pad/sn_c [gain -3 dB] - Aim to Please [transition]

Start - at the end of the walkway at the top of the atrium (overlaps loop 7)
Stops - same as loop 9 start / 45 sec timeout

Loop 9 - perc/orchplse3_perc [gain -5 dB] - Aim to Please [second half]

Start - player has entered the area where the blasted-open area where they'll fight off banshees/phantom is to the right
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - covy corvette is hit by mac round / 5 min timeout

cinematics/m20/m20_halsey/m20_halsey_music_fr3 [gain -3 dB] - Latchkey [first half - no choir] / TBD

Halsey cutscene: start

Loop 11 - stingers/growl3 [gain -64 dB] [not a loop] - TBD

Start - N/A (probably for testing)

Loop 12 - stingers/growl3 [gain -64 dB] [not a loop] - TBD

Start - N/A (probably for testing)

Loop 13 - stingers/growl3 [gain -64 dB] [not a loop] - TBD

Start - N/A (probably for testing)

m30 - Nightfall

Loop 1 - sustain/spooky/spooky1a [2 tracks] [gain -3 dB] - Recon [synth fx + vocals]

Layer 0: track1
Layer 0: track2
Detail: details/detailtrack (20 to 40 sec) (fade out 10 s-curve) [gain 0 dB] [relative to end of playback]

Start [both layers] - start of recon cutscene
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - same as loop 2 start or if player has rushed into the silo area / 6 min timeout

cinematics/m30/m30_recon/m30_recon_music_sh1_fr371 [gain -3 dB] - Recon [drone + strings fx]

Recon cutscene: when the camera turns to see the phantom

Loop 2 - sustain/spooky/spooky4 [gain -3 dB] - TBD

Start - at the first group of buildings when the phantom arrives and after jun says "Incoming. Looks like you really pissed them off."
Stops - at the first group of buildings, either after reinforcements has spawned in and all the main covy in the area are dead or player has rushed into the silo area / 6 min timeout
[backup] - same as loop 3 start

Loop 3 - sustain/spooky/spkplse1 [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Personnel Issues [intro]

Start - player has left the silo area (trigger is about where the concrete to the right stops)
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - just before the pumpstation, after jun says he hears magnums / 6 min timeout

Loop 4 - stingers/cymscrp2 [gain -3 dB] [not a loop] - Personnel Issues [transition from intro]

Start - approaching the field with the gueta, just after jun says "Look at that..." (plays over loop 3)

Loop 5 - sustain/spooky/spkplse1_plse [gain -3 dB] - Personnel Issues

Start - player moves into the field with the gueta (trigger is about where you pass the tree on the left) (overlaps loop 3)
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - either all covy and gueta in the field are dead or player has left the field / 6 min timeout

Loop 6 - tension/orchplse2 [gain -5 dB] [stops previous music] - Keeping What I Steal

Start - approaching the pump station after jun tells player to keep the civilians alive
Stops - after jun says a dropship is coming in (the first one after meeting with the militia) / 6 min timeout
[backup] - player is going through the riverbed (trigger is about where the big overhang on the left is)

Loop 7 - tension/tplse2 [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Howling Dark

Start - after the 3rd dropship at the pump station and jun says "More inbound!"
Stops - all the covy in the pump station area are dead / 6 min timeout
[backup] - player is going through the riverbed (trigger is about where the big overhang on the left is)

Loop 8 - sustain/glue/d_nochoir [gain -7 dB] [stops previous music] - At Dawn [first half]

Start - after the covnversation jun has (either with civilian or kat) after pump station battle / rally point bravo
Stops - approaching the settlement area where the pylon is, after kat says "They say the pylon dies at dawn." (if any militia are still alive then after jun tells them they can provide cover) / 5 min timeout

Loop 9 - action/vgarhtmonly [gain -6 dB] [stops previous music] - Lone Wolf [first half - guitar and percussion only]

Start - once less than 10% of the covy are left in the settlement area, after jun starts to plant the charges and says to the player to keep their eyes peeled
Stops - same as loop 10 start / 4 min timeout

Loop 10 - sustain/pad/d_low [gain -3 dB] - TBD

Start - after just places the charge and kat says she's uploading security codes to unlock the gate to the cliffside
[backup] - player is on the other side of the gate to the cliffside
Stops - same as loop 11 start / 30 sec timeout

Loop 11 - action/vgarhtmpt2 [gain -6 dB] - Lone Wolf [second half - guitar and percussion only]

Start - as player moves out into the more open part of the cliffside area (trigger is just past the rock on the left that breaks the safety fence), and after jun says to hit the shade turret from the side (if shade covy is already dead then the music trigger happens without the dialogue)
Stops - less than 35% of the final covy are alive or player is passed where the final shade turret is / 4 min timeout
[backup] - after the player passes under or over the rock arch near the end of the area (trigger starts between the arch and the trees on the right), all the covy here are dead
[not implemented] - same as loop 12 start

Loop 12 - sustain/spooky/amb3 [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - At Dawn [second half - synths]

Start - player is entering the last small section before the end level trigger
Stops (fade out 6 s-curve) - vista cutscene: just as kat is about to say that the sun will be up in a few hours / 6 min timeout

cinematics/m30/m30_vista/m30_vista_music_sh2_fr237 [gain -3 dB] - At Dawn [second half - strings]

Vista cutscene: as six is getting on his hands as knees to crawl forward

Loop 13 - stingers/growl3 [gain -64 dB] [not a loop] - TBD

Start - N/A (probably for testing)

m35 - Tip of the Spear

cinematics/m35/m35_big_push/music/m35_big_push_mus_sh1_fr1 [gain -3 dB] - Unreconciled [first half]

Big push cutscene: start

Loop 1 - sustain/glue/g_nolo [gain -3 dB] - TBD

Start - big push cutscene: six's vision starts to come back
[not implemented] - gameplay start
Stops - same as loop 2 start / 5 min timeout

Loop 2 - perc/unrec_perc [gain -3 dB] - Unreconciled [percussion]

Start - once either all the covy in the initial hill area are dead, player has gotten in the dropped off warthog, or player has rushed past the encounter and down the hill (trigger for that last one is at the lone unbroken tree on the right), after kat says to shut down the aa guns
Stops - once player has entered into the first aa gun area, after carter says "Noble Six: all our birds are stuck out of range unless you can do something about those guns." / 4 min timeout

Loop 3 - action/actplse1 [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Any Means Necessary

Start - a bit after dsestroying the first aa gun and the longsword captain saying permission granted for air support / rally point alpha
Stops - player is at the ramp before the view of the mining facility and after carter says "Troopers on-site have already engaged." / 4 min timeout

Loop 4 - sustain/spooky/spooky5 [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Eyes on the Prize [first part]

Start - once the player has crossed the bridge into the mining facility, and either all the covy on the facility-side of the bridge are dead or player is on the stairs to the catwalks, after carter tells player to keep moving towards the spires (this is the discussion about the elite zealot)
Stops - player has exited the garage at the end of the facility / 6 min timeout

Loop 5 - action/actplse2_mt [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] [2 synced tracks] [marker stitching] - Eyes on the Prize [second part]

Layer 0: track1 [master track]
Layer 1: track2

Start - once player is turning the corner past the straight bit of road after the facility, after carter says "I want you to neutralize that gun -- by any means necessary."
Layer 1 Start (wait for marker) - either there are 2 or less wraith near the second aa gun left, 1 of the hunters guarding the gun is dead, or the gun is destroyed
Stops - the gun is destroyed / 6 min timeout

Loop 6 - heroic/unrec_loperc [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Unreconciled [strings + low percussion]

Start - after player enters falcon and pilot says they'll call out targets (right has "The Spire" appears)
[not implemented] - player enters falcon (is in a different section of the script)
Stops - after pilot says "There's the spire!" / 6 min timeout

Loop 10 - sustain/pad/d_low [gain -3 dB] - TBD

Start - rally point bravo
Stops - rally point bravo: player falcon is flying into the narrow part of the canyon / 20 sec timeout

Loop 11 - sustain/pad/d_hi [gain -9 dB] - TBD

Start - rally point bravo: after kat says "Highlighting the LZ now..."
Stops - rally point bravo: player falcon is flying into the narrow part of the canyon / 15 sec timeout

Loop 7 - sustain/spooky/04_drone [gain -3 dB] - TBD

Start - falconcrash cutscene: as six turns their head to look for their assault rifle
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - post cutscene, after jorge says "Commander, we've got eyes on the spire. Looks like a staging area" / 2 min timeout

Loop 8 - tension/tplse4_plse [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Breaking Point [percussion + bass]

Start - after player is close to the spire and jorge tells them to find a way to the top
Stops (fade out 12 s-curve) - blackship cutscene: as six is leaping to the falcon, just as the camera switches from a side shot to on the falcon itself / 4 min timeout

Loop 9 - sustain/spooky/spkglu1 [gain 0 dB] - Breaking Point [ambience]

Start - player has reached the top-inside area of the spire
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - player deactivates spire (ending the level) / 6 min timeout
[backup] - same as loop 8 stop

Loop 12 - stingers/growl3 [gain -64 dB] [not a loop] - TBD

Start - N/A (probably for testing)

Loop 13 - stingers/growl3 [gain -64 dB] [not a loop] - TBD

Start - N/A (probably for testing)

cinematics/m35/m35_blackship/m35_blackship_music_fr1 [gain -3 dB] - Latchkey [second half]

Blackship cutscene: start

m45 - Long Night of Solace

cinematics/m45/m45_kats_plan/music/m45_katsplan1_music [gain -3 dB] - Kat's Plan [first part]

Kat's plan cutscene: start

cinematics/m45/m45_kats_plan/music/m45_katsplan1_mus_sh5_fr5 [gain -3 dB] - Kat's Plan [second part]

Kat's plan cutscene: As Jorge takes his helmet off, about second before it cuts to view Carter and Kat arguing

Loop 1 - sustain/glue/c_nochoir_new [gain -4 dB] - Kat's Plan [third part]

Start - Kat's plan cutscene part 2: start (during the fade transition)
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - player is leaving the starting area, passing between the big rock and cliff / 4 min timeout

Loop 2 - action/crunch_e3 [gain -3 dB] - Displacement

Start - player is leaving the starting area, passing between the big rock and cliff
Stops - player has entered the launch facility / 5 min timeout
[backup] - player is entering the area in the launch facility with the blown up left wall

Loop 3 - sustain/spooky/crunch_spooky [gain 0 dB] - TBD

Start - player is halfway up the ramp to where the elite officer spawned (the last hallway before a split where the left path leads to the control room)
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - player is passing the big octaganal holo-table-thingy in the control room (going down the stairs to the right also counts as this) / 4 min timeout

Loop 4 - sustain/glue/c_full [gain -3 dB] - Broken Bonds

Start - player is passing the big octaganal holo-table-thingy in the control room (going down the stairs to the right also counts as this)
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - player has made it to the sabre, just before the blastoff cutscene begins / 4 min timeout

cinematics/m45/m45_blastoff/music/m45_blastoff2 [gain -3 dB] - Broken Bonds [extended]

Blastoff cutscene: start

Loop 5 - sustain/spacey/spacey2_e3 [gain -3 dB] - Uppercut [synth + fx]

Start - after going into space and Holland says "Rendezvous at anchor 9 with Frigate Savannah and the other Sabres as soon as you're ready. Holland out."
Stops - after first wave and Anchor 9 Actual says "Anchor 9 to UNSC ships, impulse drive signatures detected. Fighter class. Heads up, Sabres!" / 5 min timeout

Loop 6 - sustain/spacey/spacey6_e3 [gain -3 dB] - Uppercut [bass + perc]

Start - after first wave and Anchor 9 Actual says "Anchor 9 to UNSC ships, impulse drive signatures detected. Fighter class. Heads up, Sabres!"
Stops - wave 4 (3 on easy/normal) / 5 min timeout

cinematics/m45/m45_pitstop/music/m45_pitstop_strings [gain -3 dB] - My Heart Breaks [extended]

Pitstop cutscene: start

Loop 7 - sustain/spacey/spacey4 [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - The Ardent Prayer

Start - after corvette assault and before boarding, 1.5 sec after Holland says "Dot, analyze all available data on that corvette. Find a way inside." / rally point bravo
Stops - after low-g section and Holland says "All right, Noble. Let's get that bomb onboard. Six, head for the hangar." / 5 min timeout

Loop 8 - perc/02_perc [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Belly of the Beast [first half]

Start - after clearing out the hangar and Jorge says "Six, go for those shield controls. I..."
Alt Start (transition) - after bomb delivery cutscene and Holland says "Noble 6, get that corvette moving toward that super carrier. Head for the bridge, find the nav controls."
Stops (alt and non-alt) - after Holland says "Copy, Savannah. Our team is in. Disengage.", either player has entered the gunroom or 120 sec has passed / 6 min timeout

cinematics/m45/m45_bomb_delivery/m45_bomb_music_fr0 [gain -3 dB] - Searchlights [ambience]

Bomb delivery cutscene: start

Loop 9 - sustain/glue/f_nohi [gain -3 dB] - Belly of the Beast [second half]

Start - after loop 8 stop, 0.5 sec after the Savannah says "Hull breach! Reactor's flaring! Dammit, I'm losing her!"
Stops - after clearing the bridge (up to 2 can be left alive with a timeout of 240 sec) and 0.5 sec after Holland says "Move, Lieutenant. Put that corvette on a refueling track to the super carrier." / 4 min timeout

Loop 10 - action/something130_mt [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] [2 synced tracks] - Discourage the Curious

Layer 0: track1 [master track]
Layer 1: track2

Start - player is about to re-enter the hall before the hangar
Layer 1 Start (wait for marker) - 12 to 16 sec after re-entering the hangar
Layer 1 Stop (wait for marker) - after wave 2
Layer 1 Start (wait for marker) - after wave 3, before boss wave (3-4 elite ultras)
Stops - after defeating all enemies, 1 sec after Jorge says "Savannah did a number on the door. There's no way back up to the Sabres. Noble 6, form up on me." / 5 min timeout

cinematics/m45/m45_jorge_sacrifice/music/m45_jorgsac [gain -1 dB] - Make It Count [extended]

Jorge cutscene: start

m50 - Exodus

cinematics/m50/m50_wake/music/m50_wake_open [gain -3 dB] - Before the Fire

Wake cutscene: start

Loop 1 - tension/tplse2_plse [gain -6 dB] - Free Fire Zone

Start - Wake cutscene: start of 2nd shot when Six is sneaking around the city
Stops - player is about to enter the building with all the suicide grunt, 1 sec after "Negative. Keep your eyes open, troopers." / 4 min timeout

Loop 2 - sustain/spooky/spooky2 [gain -3 dB] - The Sky's No Limit [first part]

Start - in the suicide grunt building, about to enter the room at the back left of the foyer (before the hallway to the right)
Stops (fade out 12 s-curve) - player exits the building to the walkways with the brutes / 5 min timeout

Loop 3 - tension/bd_mix_mt [stops previous music] [2 synced tracks] - Lone Wolf [alt version with piano outro]

Layer 0: track1 [gain -5 dB]
Layer 1: track2 [gain -3 dB] [master track]

Start - player has called elevator and all initial covy in the atrium are dead
Layer 1 Start (wait for marker) - 1 of the 2 brute captain's that can arrive, either are inside the atrium, or have clear line of sight of the player
Stops - player is riding the elevator (just before sgt starts telling Six the situation) / 5 min timeout

Loop 9 - sustain/spacey/spacey8 [gain -3 dB] - Descent [synth + fx]

Start - rally point alpha
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - during the jetpack section, trigger is where you pass the building with the blue pipes / 4 min timeout

Loop 4 - perc/06_perc [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - The Sky's No Limit [second and third parts - percussion]

Start - during the jetpack section, trigger is where you pass the building with the blue pipes
Alt Start (transition) - either 2 or less covy defending the crane area or player has moved up from the initial walkway after the jetpack gap
Stops (alt and non-alt) - at the top of the steps at the foyer before the elevator room, after "Head up to the roof level, Spartan!" / 6 min timeout

Loop 5 - sustain/glue/f_nochoir [gain -5 dB] - The Sky's No Limit [third part - strings]

Start - player is about halfway through the landing area after the jetpack gap
Stops - just after player has exited the elevator area, before the big building they'll have to climb / 5 min timeout

Loop 6 - action/actplse3_lite [gain -4 dB] [stops previous music] - The Other Side

Start - player has entered or is about to enter the tall building pad, after "Clear that pad, Spartan!"
Stops - no more covy on the tall building pad, 1 sec after "Copy, Yankee Niner. Birds away." / 5 min timeout

Loop 10 - sustain/glue/g_nohi [gain -4 dB] - Apology [with percussion + no choir + no ending]

Start - rally point bravo
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - 2 sec after player gets in falcon / 3 min timeout

Loop 7 - poignant/teaser2a_strings_nl [gain -2 dB] [not a loop] [stops previous music] - City Under Siege

Start - 2 sec after player gets in falcon

Loop 8 - action/actplse7_mt [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] [2 synced tracks] - Few More Days

Layer 0: track1 [master track]
Layer 1: track2

Start - player has turned on 1 battery, 1 sec after "Easy, Seven Echo Three. Spartan's gonna clear the skies!"
Layer 1 Start (wait for marker) - player has turned on both batteries, 1 sec after "Steady, Echo Three; that Corvette's still up there."
Stops - player has activated the fire control switch / 6 min timeout

cinematics/m50/m50_reunited/music/m50_reunited_music_s2 [gain -3 dB] - TBD / Apology

Reunited cutscene: cut to Six on the ground

Loop 11 - stingers/growl3 [gain -64 dB] [not a loop] - TBD

Start - N/A (probably for testing)

Loop 12 - stingers/growl3 [gain -64 dB] [not a loop] - TBD

Start - N/A (probably for testing)

Loop 13 - stingers/growl3 [gain -64 dB] [not a loop] - TBD

Start - N/A (probably for testing)

m52 - New Alexandria

cinematics/m52/m52_airlift/music/m52_airlift_music [gain -3 dB] - Wing and a Prayer

000 cutscene:

Loop 1 - sustain/glue/eb_nolo [gain -4 dB] - Fall from Grace

Start -
Stops - / 4 min timeout

Loop 2 - tension/orchplse2_lite [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Triage

Start -
Stops - / 5 min timeout

Loop 3 - sustain/spacey/spacey5 [gain -1 dB] [stops previous music] - War Machine [pulse]

Start -
Stops (fade out 5 s-curve) - / 5 min timeout

Loop 4 - sustain/glue/atonal_full [gain -4 dB] - War Machine [string synth + vocals]

Start -
Stops (fade out 5 s-curve) - / 4 min timeout

Loop 5 - sustain/glue/c_lochoir [gain -5 dB] - Broken Bonds [no high strings] || War Machine [string synth + vocals - outro]

Start -
Stops - / 4 min timeout

Loop 6 - action/tplse1_mt [stops previous music] - Whirling Dervish [strings + percussion]

Layer 0: track1 [gain -4 dB] [master track]
Layer 1: track2 [gain -3 dB]

Start -
Layer 1 Start (wait for marker) -
Stops - / 5 min timeout

Loop 7 - sustain/glue/f_full [gain -4 dB] - Whirling Dervish [string synth + vocals]

Start -
Stops - / 4 min timeout

Loop 8 - action/orchplse3_short [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Crown Jewel

Start -
Stops (fade out at marker 1 equal-power + out piece) - / 5 min timeout

Loop 9 - action/ar2_bigthin [gain -5 dB] [stops previous music] - TBD

Start -
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - / 4 min timeout

cinematics/m52/m52_reflection/m52_reflection_music_fr0 [gain -3 dB] - TBD + TBD + Reflection

000 cutscene:

m60 - The Package

cinematics/m60/m60_return_to_sword/music/m60_returnsword_music [gain -3 dB] - Return

000 cutscene:

Loop 1 - sustain/pad/sn_c [gain -4 dB] - Simple Things [intro]

Start -
Stops - / 90 sec timeout

Loop 2 - sustain/spooky/spooky6 [gain -1 dB] - Simple Things

Start -
Alt Start (crossfade 5 equal-power) -
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - / 4 min timeout

Loop 3 - action/actplse4 [gain -5 dB] [stops previous music] - Torch and Burn

Start -
Stops - / 4 min timeout

Loop 4 - sustain/spacey/spacey8 [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Descent [synth + fx]

Start -
Stops - / 5 min timeout

Loop 5 - perc/vgapsrcsft [gain -3 dB] - Descent [second half - percussion]

Start -
Stops - / 4 min timeout

Loop 6 - sustain/glue/ab_nohi [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - TBD

Start -
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - / 5 min timeout

Loop 7 - sustain/microglue [3 tracks] - TBD

Layer 0: cello/cl_d_oct [gain -7 dB]
Layer 1: viola/va_d_clst1 [gain -6 dB]
Layer 2: strings/dhi [gain -24 dB]

Start -
Stops - / 1 min timeout

Loop 8 - action/vga_mt [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] [2 synced tracks] - Lone Wolf [first half]

Layer 0: track1
Layer 1: track2 [master track]

Start -
Layer 1 Start (wait for marker) -
Alt Start (transition) -
Stops (alt and non-alt) - / 7 min timeout

Loop 9 - sustain/glue/g_nochoir [gain -4 dB] - TBD

Start -
Stops - / 3 min timeout

cinematics/m60/m60_tramride/m60_tramride1_music [gain -3 dB] - TBD / Searchlights

000 cutscene:

cinematics/m60/m60_tramride/m60_tramride2_music_fr3 [gain -3 dB] - TBD

000 cutscene:

Loop 10 - perc/08_perc [gain -3 dB] - Swift, Strong, Brave [percussion]

Start -
Alt Start (transition) -
Stops (alt and non-alt) - / 5 min timeout

Loop 11 - perc/crunch_percbass [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Displacement [percussion]

Start -
Stops - / 4 min timeout

Loop 12 - sustain/microglue [stops previous music] [3 tracks] - TBD

Layer 0: low_strings/ls_g_oct [gain -6 dB]
Layer 1: strings/g_oct [gain -20 dB]
Layer 2: viola/va_g_clst1 [gain -3 dB]

Start -
Stops - / 1 min timeout

Loop 13 - heroic/10_kurz02_nobrass [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Time to Dance [no brass]

Start -
Stops - / 5 min timeout

Loop 14 - sustain/glue/g_full [gain -4 dB] - TBD

Start -
Stops (fade out 6 s-curve) - / 4 min timeout

Loop 15 - poignant/cv [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - From the Vault + Siege of Madrigal

Start (no start piece) -
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) -

cinematics/m60/m60_package/m60_package_music_030_s1_f2 [gain -3 dB] - Say the Words / TBD

000 cutscene:

m70 - The Pillar of Autumn

cinematics/m70/m70_carter/music/m70_carter_music [gain -3 dB] - Unreconciled [first half]

000 cutscene:

cinematics/m70/m70_carter_death/music/m70_carter_sac_music [gain -3 dB] - Once More Unto the Breach

000 cutscene:

Loop 1 - sustain/glue/d_nohi [gain -4 dB] - TBD

Start -
Stops - / 4 min timeout

Loop 2 - perc/vga_perc [gain -3 dB] - TBD

Start -
Alt Start (transition) -
Stops (alt and non-alt) - / 5 min timeout

Loop 3 - sustain/pad [2 tracks] - Distress [outro] & TBD

Layer 0: g_low [gain 0 dB]
Layer 0: f_hi [gain -3 dB]

Start -
Stops - / 45 sec timeout

Loop 4 - stingers [not a loop] [3 tracks] - TBD

Layer 0: swoosh4 [gain -3 dB]
Layer 0: cymroll1 [gain 0 dB]
Layer 0: skreel3 [gain 0 dB]

Start -

Loop 5 - sustain/spooky/04_drone [gain -4 dB] [stops previous music] - TBD

Start -
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - / 5 min timeout

Loop 6 - sustain/glue/atonal_lochoir / heroic/02_longmonksnl [gain -6 dB] [stops previous music] - Through the Rock [OST version seems to lack the higher strings and horns the in-game version has]

Start (sustain/glue/atonal_lochoir) -
Stops (heroic/02_longmonksnl) (fade out 7 s-curve + out piece) - / 5 min timeout

Loop 7 - action/06_full_nl [gain -3 dB] [not a loop] [stops previous music] - Shipbreaker

Start -

Loop 8 - action/actplse3 [gain -5 dB] [stops previous music] - Meltdown [first part]

Start -
Stops (fade out 20 s-curve) - / 4 min timeout

Loop 9 - sustain/glue/d_nochoir [gain -5 dB] [stops previous music] - Meltdown [second part]

Start (fade in 20 s-curve) -
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - / 3 min timeout

Loop 10 - action/orchplse1_perclo [gain -4 dB] [stops previous music] - Move Mountains [no outro]

Start -
Stops - / 4 min timeout

Loop 11 - sustain/spacey/spacey3 [gain -6 dB] [stops previous music] - Move Mountains [outro]

Start -
Stops - / 5 min timeout

Loop 12 - poignant/teaser2a_full_nl [gain -3 dB] [not a loop] [stops previous music] - Latchkey

Start -

Loop 13 - action/vgastrngspt2 [gain -6 dB] [stops previous music] - Noble Six [with orchestral percussion + lower strings at points]

Start -
Stops - / 4 min timeout

cinematics/m70/m70_delivery/m70_delivery_music [gain -3 dB] - Special Delivery

000 cutscene:

Loop 14 - sustain/glue/d_full [gain -5 dB] [stops previous music] - TBD

Start -
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - / 4 min timeout

Loop 15 - sustain/spacey/spacey7 [gain -1 dB] [stops previous music] - On the Gun [percussion]

Start -
Stops (fade out 10 s-curve) - / 4 min timeout

Loop 16 - perc/actplse7_perc [gain -5 dB] - On the Gun [synth ambience]

Start -
Stops - / 4 min timeout

Loop 17 - sustain/spooky/spook2 [gain -3 dB] - On the Gun [stinger - only the end piece]

Start -
Stops (fade out 6 s-curve + out piece) -

cinematics/m70/m70_poa_launch/m70_poa_music [gain -3 dB] - TBD

000 cutscene:

m70a - Epilogue

cinematics/m70/m70_credits/m70_credits_music [gain -3 dB] - TBD / Latchkey / Ashes [first part] / Unreconciled

000 cutscene:

m70_bonus - Lone Wolf

cinematics/m80/m80_reintro/m80_reintro_music [gain -3 dB] - Spartans Never Die

000 cutscene:

Loop 1 - sustain/glue/bb_lochoir [gain -6 dB] - Omega [first part]

Start -
Stops (fade out 15 s-curve) - / 5 min timeout

cinematics/m80/m80_gameover/m80_gameover_music [gain -3 dB] - Omega [second part]

000 cutscene:

cinematics/m80/m80_epilogue/m80_epilogue_sh1_fr2 [gain -3 dB] - Hymn for Reach [second half]

000 cutscene:


Loop 1 - reach_firefight/firefight_in [gain -3 dB] - Uppercut [synth + fx] / The Ardent Prayer / Descent [synth + fx] / TBD / The Sky's No Limit [first part] / TBD

Start (no in piece) -
Stops (fade out 6 s-curve) -

Loop 2 - firefight/abm1 [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - TBD

Start -
Stops (fade out 12 s-curve) -

Loop 3 - sustain/glue/eb_full [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - TBD

Start -
Stops (fade out 12 s-curve) -

Loop 4 - sustain/spacey/spacey5 [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - War Machine [pulse]

Start -
Stops (fade out 12 s-curve) -

Loop 5 - sustain/spooky/spooky1 [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - TBD

Start -
Stops (fade out 12 s-curve) -

Loop 6 - sustain/spooky/amb2 [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - TBD

Start -
Stops (fade out 12 s-curve) -

Loop 20 - perc/08_perc [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - TBD

Start -
Alt Start (transition) -
Stops -

Loop 21 - perc/06_perc [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - The Sky's No Limit [second and third parts - percussion]

Start -
Alt Start (transition) -
Stops -

Loop 22 - reach_firefight/01perc_ff [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - Sword Control [percussion]

Start -
Alt Start (transition) -
Stops -

Loop 23 - reach_firefight/02_percff [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - TBD

Start -
Alt Start (transition) -
Stops -

Loop 24 - reach_firefight/vga_percff [gain -3 dB] [stops previous music] - TBD

Start -
Alt Start (transition) -
Stops -


invasion_temp_cues [gain -3 dB]

covy_big_win - Fortress [second half - excerpt] / Few More Days [excerpt]
covy_win1 - Fortress [percussion - excerpt] / Few More Days [percussion - excerpt]
covy_win2 - Fortress [first half - excerpt] / Few More Days [percussion - excerpt]
unsc_big_win - Lone Wolf [second half - excerpt] / Whirling Dervish [with acid bass - excerpt]
unsc_win1 - Lone Wolf [first half - excerpt] / Whirling Dervish [percussion - excerpt]
unsc_win2 - Lone Wolf [first half - excerpt] / Whirling Dervish [excerpt]